A photo exhibition about the victims of mob lynching against Muslims across India since 2014 was organized by local chapter of Students Islamic Organisation (SIO) in the University of Hyderabad (HCU) campus.
‘IN MY NAME’, a collective remembrance against selective amnesia, documented more than fifty victims of the mob lynches around the country.
The organizers admitted their concerns on many more lynch cases which were unknown or not documented. Lynchings were happening coincidentally since the central government came to power and in the name of ‘Gaurakshaks’.
“The exhibition is part of documenting the lynching across the country so that people will understand the gravity of the issue faced by Indian Muslims,” said Thahir Jamal, a research scholar in Sociology in HCU and organizer of the exhibition.
Documents of the exhibition showed how the lynching works, and fake news played its role in such situations.
The Quint shows the counts of mob lynches across the country with their details on their page www.thequint.com/quintlab/lynching-in-india/.
The frequency of the incidents had raised a need for a new law on Mob-Lynching. Till now no special laws have been passed by the Parliament or Supreme Court.