
Need comprehensive national power policy to address power supply shortage: KCR

Hyderabad: Honourable Chief Minister Sri K Chandrashekhar Rao desired that there is a need to bring a comprehensive national power policy to give quality, uninterrupted power to all the sectors.

He said that of the total captive power generation in the country not even half of it is being utilised, but yet several parts in the country are living without power and at many places there are frequent power cuts all over the country. There is need to get over this situation.

Power Finance Corporation (PFC) Chairman Sri Rajiv Sharma, who toured the state for three days and visited power plants, Kaleswaram project, made a courteous call on the Chief Minister on Sunday at Pragathi Bhavan. A discussion took place on the power situation in the State and in the country.

TS Genco, Transco CMD Sri Devulapalli Prabhakar Rao, Government’s Chief Advisor Sri Rajiv Sharma, Chief Secretary Sri SK Joshi, CMO Principal Secretary Sri S Narsing Rao, Secretaries Ms Smita Sabharwal, Sri Bhupal Reddy and others participated.

“At the formation of Telangana state, there was a severe power crisis then. Power deficit became a hindrance to the state development then. We have decided that unless we solve the power problem, the state cannot progress. We have adapted a comprehensive plan to set the power sector in order.

Within six months, we have lifted the power cuts. Now we are able to supply quality power to all sectors. We are providing 24-hour uninterrupted quality free power to the farm sector, which is first of its kind in the country. This lead to the increase in the agriculture output.

Industries in Telangana State are working in three shifts. This led to the employment and increase in the state’s income. We have bettered the distribution and supply network so that there is no low voltage problem and burning of the transformers. As on date, we have network in place to utilise 20,000 MWs’,” the CM explained.

PFC helped a lot: CM KCR: Sri KCR said that for the setting of power plants, revamping the electricity related institutions, the financial extended by the Power Finance Corporation (PFC) had helped a lot. The CM also thanked PFC Chairman Sri Rajiv Sharma for extending financial assistance to irrigation projects in the state along with the power plants.

The CM said that the PFC’s financial assistance had helped the State in solving its power crisis in a very short time and marching towards becoming the power surplus state. The CM has felicitated Sri Rajiv Sharma and his wife, presented mementos to them.

Proud moment for PFC: Rajiv Sharma:
PFC CMD Sri Rajiv Sharma appreciated that in Telangana state under the visionary leadership of CM KCR, power plants and irrigation projects are being completed in a record time. He said he had not seen anywhere power plants and irrigation projects are being completed in such a short time.

Generally, it would take some time as plants and projects completion depend on the land acquisition, inter-state understandings. He said he was happy that the funds extended by the PFC for the power plants and irrigation projects have been properly utilised 100 per cent for the purpose.

He said PFC would take pride in being associated with the Telangana State’s development.“Three and half years back, when we came to Hyderabad, Sri KCR told us about Kaleswaram project. He has shown us how the projects going to be on a screen.

I was surprised after watching that. I wondered whether it would be possible. But I visited Kaleswaram project yesterday. I have seen barrages and the Pump Houses. I also saw the way water from Godavari is pumped. It is a sheer wonder.

What Sri KCR told me three and half years ago, showed it to me in front of my eyes today. To complete such a project in a short span of time is not easy.

The efforts of Sri KCR bore fruit and the dream is realised. Whole country is talking about the Kaleswaram project. At New York’s Time Square, there are showing the Kaleswaram project’s success story,” Sri Rajiv Sharma said.

Appreciation for Prabhakar Rao:
CM Sri KCR and PFC CMD Sri Rajiv Sharma, CS Sri SK Joshi have praised TS Genco and Transco CMD Sri Prabhakar Rao saying that he was behind the success the State made in the power sector.

Sri Rajiv Sharma said that Sri Prabhakar Rao was their ideal and power sector in the state made rapid strides under his (Prabhakar Rao’s) leadership. CM said that power plants are being completed on a fast track, the PLF factor in the plants has increased and Sri Prabhakar Rao had fulfilled every responsibility is given to him.

CS Sri SK Joshi said that Sri Prabhakar Rao, who completed 50 years in the power sector, is like the Bhishmacharya in the power sector.

Speaking on this occasion, Sri Prabhakar Rao said good results were possible due to CM KCR who had a complete awareness and grip over the power sector. The entire credit for solving the power crisis should go to Sri KCR, Sri Prabhakar Rao said.

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