Hyderabad: Rajya Sabha MP Santhosh Kumar inaugurated a photo exhibition organized at Ravindra Bharti in Hyderabad on Thursday to mark World Photography Day. The exhibition features photographs by photojournalists from Telangana, capturing a wide range of subjects, including news, festivals, and development.
Speaking at the inauguration, MP Santhosh Kumar said that he was happy to be a part of the event and that he was a keen photographer himself. He said that photography was a powerful medium that could be used to capture and share stories and that he was impressed by the work of the photographers who had exhibited their work.
He announced that he would donate Rs. 2 lakh to the Telangana Photojournalists Association as his contribution to the promotion of photography in the state. He also said that he would work to ensure that the government provided more support to photojournalists.
Media Academy Chairman Allam Narayana said that the photo exhibition was organized every year as part of the World Photography Day celebrations. He thanked the photographers for their contribution to the exhibition and said that the event was a great opportunity to showcase the talent of Telangana’s photojournalists.MLA Kranti Kiran and Culture Department Director Mamidi Harikrishna also spoke at the inauguration and expressed their support for the photographers. They said that the government would do everything possible to promote photography in the state. The exhibition will be open to the public from 10 am to 8 pm till August 20. (INN)