Hyderabad: “Public Administration makes the core of any policy effort as it focuses on implementation part of that policy. If implementation of a policy is flawed, nothing can be achieved”, stressed Prof. S. M. Rahmatullah, former Vice-Chancellor of Sri Krishnadevaraya University.
He was speaking as Guest of Honour of the Valedictory session of two-day International Conference on sustainable development goals and role of public administration which was organized by the Department of Public Administration, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU).
In his presidential remarks, Prof. Siddiqui Mohd Mahmood, OSD, MANUU stressed that to make any policy successful, along with public administration; there is a need of self-administration at individual level.
Prof. G. Sreenivas Reddy, Professor, Department of Public Administration, Kakatiya University delivered the valedictory address. He emphasized that only five years are remaining and all 17 Sustainable Development Goals are yet to be achieved. At the national level, these goals are needed to be regulated by some inter-ministerial group headed by the Prime Minister of India and provision of making NITI Aayog a nodal agency for these goals should be reviewed by the government.
Prof. Syed Najiullah, Convener conference and Head Department, presented the conference report.
Urdu version of annual newsletter titles as “Nazm” was also released on the occasion. Dr. Ahmed Raza, Co-Convener and Assistant Professor coordinated the session and presented vote of thanks.