
Sundeep Makthala launches membership drive for TITA

Hyderabad: Telangana Information Technology Association, which has not only spread its presence in the Telugu speaking states but also across India and worldwide, has initiated a fresh membership drive. TITA has called for active participation in its Global Committee 2020.

The association announced in its Governing Council notification issued on Tuesday that the term of TITA GWC 2019 is ending on December 31, 2019 and the new members can join the committee for the next term.

Those who are working in the IT Industry, Corporates, NRIs, students, IT faculties, IT affiliated industry professionals, government staff working in the IT field can become members.

The tech association which has 12,000+ memberships is looking for new committee members for this term. The governing council in its announcement sought Global Committee, State-level and District committees to work towards the new membership drive.

Those who are interested can apply for membership through the link while those who want to send their nominations for the new committee can email to

Speaking on the occasion TITA Global President Sundeep Kumar Makthala said the association which played a key role in the formation of Telangana has also taken several initiatives after the State formation. The association also supported many State government initiatives that were aimed to improve the IT sector.

Several initiatives such as encouraging village adoption to achieve digital literacy, encourage cashless transactions through digitization, roll out of ambitious Digithon, Connecting Government school students with IT Industry through Digital Yatra & Industry Tours, supporting innovation by creation of innovation cells in academia etc.

Makthala said, looking at the initiatives of the association, several chapters were established both in India and worldwide. To keep the momentum on, the association is now looking for enthusiastic members who are ready to contribute and take responsibilities to take the association to the next level. (INN)

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