Hyderabad: The South Central Railway has initiated several preventive steps to safe guard the passengers and employees from Coronavirus in railway premises, stations and trains.
A separate isolation ward for treating suspected Corona virus cases have been planned at Zonal Railway Hospital and all 6 Divisional Hospitals.
Information Education and Communication (IEC) material regarding Corona virus are planned to be displayed at important locations at all Stations with particular emphasis on local language. Machinery has been put in place for monitoring any suspected cases at Railway premises at the highest level both at the Zone and Division level.
Railway Medical in-charges are in constant touch with State/District authorities to obtain guidelines for updates on the subject and take necessary detective, preventive and curative measures suggested by them.
The SCR said that regular watch is being kept on the Ministry of Health Sciences website to immediately follow any measures suggested by them.
Training of medical personnel for handling suspected patients of Corona virus is also planned. Railway Board has planned for imparting training to all Zonal medical authorities by experts through Video Conference.
Regular public announcements at all important Railway Stations are being made for sensitising rail users to undertake preventive measures with respect to Corona virus. (INN)