Hyderabad: Finance Minister Harish Rao said that the role of journalists was crucial in the Telangana Movement. Journalism is a profession that works for the welfare of society, he lauded. He said that if there are 12,000 accredited journalists in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana had 21,295 accreditations.
He said that Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao had sanctioned Rs. 100 crores for the welfare fund of journalists, unlike anywhere else in the country. He said that the construction of Media Bhavan has been completed with a cost of Rs.15 crores. Minister Harish Rao along with Chairman of Media Academy Allam Narayana, MP Bibi Patil and MLA Kranti Kiran distributed house plots to the journalists of the Andole constituency on Wednesday. Speaking on this occasion, he said that the Telangana government was supporting the families of deceased journalists by giving them pensions.
He said that the responsibility of telling the truth to the people was the responsibility of the journalists. The development and welfare happening in Telangana should be spread widely. He said that he was happy to give houses to journalists in the constituency with the initiative of Andol MLA Kranti Kiran.Media Academy Chairman Allam Narayana said that they were happy to give houses to journalists who played a key role in the Telangana movement. He said that the Telangana government has allocated Rs.100 crores for the welfare of journalists. He clarified that the credit of building Media Bhavan goes to CM KCR. (INN)