Ehtesham Ali Khan for Hyderabad Youth Mirror # Usually when one writes articles such as these the tendency is to keep saying we should do this, we should do that and so on. However, an alternate way to put things together is to convey benefits and I think that makes more sense than the former […]
Tag: Youth
Youth and Depression Management
Prof. Amber Haque for Hyderabad Youth Mirror # Youth is a time for aspirations, dreams, and fantasies. It is a time when healthy young people are generally carefree and sometimes very confident. They may even be ready to conquer the world! But there are youth who slip into the other extreme, a condition called depression. […]
HYM Inaugural Program
Here are snapshots from inaugural program of Hyderabad Youth Mirror:
Hisham Barbhuiya for Hyderabad Youth Mirror # Youth is a period of life every human being looks forward to as a kid. When old, the same individual may lament over the lost period for not having utilized it enough. The stereotypical image of youths indulging in sports, adventure tourism and everything associated with fun and […]
S M Fasiullah for Hyderabad Youth Mirror # Behind every revolution there are youth. Every war is powered by youth. Many adventurous projects across the world are carried out by youth. They are the power house of energy. Ask an elderly person, he will tell you what it means to be young and energetic. But […]
In Conversation with Darvesh Faiz
All India first ranker in National Level Science Talent Search Exam (NSTSE) Darvesh Faiz shares his success mantra during an interaction with S M Fasiullah. Mr. Faiz is a KVPY Fellow and engineering student at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad. He scored 99.32% in CAT and 99.02% in XAT exams. He also writes for during free […]