Hyderabad: Health Minister Dr. Ch. Laxma Reddy said that there was no scarcity of medicines in Unani Dispensaries although he admitted there were certain vacancies of doctors, compounders , MNOs and PTS.
Replying to a question raised by MIM floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi and other MLAs during Question Hour in Legislative Assembly on Monday, the minister gave a complete break-up of vacant posts in Government Nizamaia Tibbi College, Govt Unani Dispensaries and NRHM Govt Unani Dispensaries across the State.
He said that the government has issued orders in May 2017 permitting filling up of 54 vacant posts of Medical Officer (Unani) in Govt Unani Dispensaries/Hospitals and eight posts of Lecturers (Unani) at Govt Nizamia Tibbi College and the recruitment process has been initiated. He said that vacancies would be filled soon.
The minister said that the proposals for filling the vacant posts of Ministerial, Nursing Paramedical, Compounders in MNOs and PTs in Unani Dispensaries is under active consideration.
The recruitment for the vacancies in the NRHM Govt Unani Dispensaries has been entrusted to the District Selection Committee of the District Health Society under the chairmanship of the District Collectors concerned and the same is under process. (INN)