Hyderabad: Officers and Employees of Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank have donated Rs.55,05,850/- to the “Kerala Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund”, keeping in view the recent havoc caused by floods to the State.
The amount contributed by the Staff members has been handed over by means of a Demand Draft to Chief Secretary of Telangana State S.K. Joshi by V. Narasi Reddy, Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank, accompanied by N. Prakasam, General Secretary, APGVB Officers Association, K. Bhikshamaiah, General Secretary, APGVB Employees Union, K Vinod Reddy, Chief Manager (Per & HRD) and V. Parandham Achari, Senior Manager (HR) today.
The delegation led by V. Narasi Reddy met the Chief Secretary in his office today and explained the contribution made by the employees of the Bank and requested him to forward the same to Kerala Government on behalf of the Bank.
Later speaking to the press in the Media langue in the Secretariat, Chairman Narasi Reddy stated that our Bank’s main objective is to extend financial service to the poor people, agriculturists, artisans, landless labours, self help group women members, Joint Liability groups apart from personal and housing loans to the working class.
The core idea of helping the poor has manifested in contributing to the needy in Kerala people in the wake of enormous damage caused to the people, property in the State of Kerala.
The Chairman expressed hope that whatever amount contributed by the Staff would be of some help to the needy in Kerala State.
Taking this opportunity, Chairman stated that the Bank with 768 Branches and 1880 Bank Mitras in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh have been extending yeoman service to the poor and needy people at the grass root level while catering to the financial needs of the middle class and upper middle class people in semi urban and urban areas.
The Bank offers 0.5 to 0.75% more interest on deposits products compared to other Banks and requested the public to put their savings in the Bank for safe keeping as well as earning interest.