
600 more Haj pilgrims return home safely

Hyderabad: With the arrival of two more Special Haj flights carrying 600 pilgrims the number of pilgrims who returned back safely to Hyderabad rose to 4475.

In the first flight all the 300 pilgrims belonged to Telangana State, while of the 300 pilgrims of the second flight 120 belonged to Telangana State and the rest to Karnataka.

Chairman TS Haj Committee Mohammed Masiullah Khan, Special Officer, Prof. S. A Shukoor and others received the pilgrims at the Haj Terminal of Rajiv Gandhi International airport.Five Litre Zam Zam water cans were distributed among the pilgrims on this occasion.

Meanwhile, the baggage of those pilgrims which had not arrived with the flight yesterday has reached the city and the city pilgrims were requested to collect their baggage from the Haj House, while baggage of the pilgrims of the districts is being sent to their residences directly.

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