News Politics

Congress writes to EC again non-implementation of MCC

Hyderabad: Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) Treasurer Gudur Narayana Reddy on Tuesday alleged that the election authorities have failed to implement the Model Code of Conduct across the Telangana State.

“More than one month after dissolution of Assembly and imposition of Model Code of Conduct, the pictures of caretaker Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao and other ministers have not been removed from the government advertisements on RTC buses, government offices, hoardings, flexies and other places.

The Congress party refuses to accept the CEO’s contention that a special drive has been launched to remove the pictures. If your office is serious in implementing the Model Code of Conduct then all the pictures and hoardings can be removed from across the State in a single day.

However, either your office is not issuing serious orders or the District Electoral Officers are not taking your orders seriously,” Gudur Narayana Reddy said in his letter to Chief Electoral Officer Rajat Kumar on Tuesday.

The Congress leader also demanded an enquiry into the advertisements issued to media by the State Government after the dissolution of Assembly on September 6. “We also request you to impose a ban on issuing of all advertisements till the elections are over,” he demanded.

“Despite the Model Code of Conduct under implementation, the caretaker CM and ministers and other functionaries are making policy announcements.

They are openly misusing the official resources to lure the voters. The Congress party have brought such violations to the notice of local election authorities on multiple occasions, but to no avail,” he said.

Gudur Narayana Reddy alleged that the caretaker CM, ministers and nominated chairmen of various corporations and other functionaries were still using the official vehicles during election campaign.

They are moving in large convoys, which comprises of government vehicles, to different areas for campaigning of TRS party. He demanded that the misuse of official vehicles be stopped with immediate effect.

The Congress leader urged the Election Commission of India to take immediate measures for total implementation of Model Code of Conduct to ensure free and fair elections.

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