Hyderabad: The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) on Saturday informed that of 10,113 candidates who were provisionally selected for the for post of Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables (Civil/AR/SAR CPL/TSSP/ SPF/Firemen), so far, 8050 candidates were found fit for sending them for the Induction training to various training centers.
The candidates who have either not reported or not eligible for various reasons are being issued Show Cause Notices upon which their candidature will be considered.
As many as 800 candidates who are being issued Show Cause Notices include Unwilling cases (126), Not turned up for submitting Attestation Form (125), Submitted Attestation Form but not attended medical examination (11), Cases of medically unfit to go for training like pregnancy and accident etc.,
(5), Cases of suppression of (Criminal record/ employment details) in Application Form and Attestation Form (41), Cases of those who have mentioned their criminal record in Attestation Form (86), Cases of medically unfit (347) and 59 were be rejected for any other reasons like documents being not genuine etc.,
For the remaining 1,263 candidates whose verification reports are due, based on which they will be sent for training in 2nd phase, the TSLPRB said today. (INN)