News Sports

Arrangements on full swing for the ODI match

Hyderabad: Rachakonda Police Commissioner DS Chauhan said that tight security arrangements have been made for the ODI cricket match to be held between India and New Zealand on Wednesday at Uppal Stadium in the city.

A total of 2,500 police personnel are deployed for the purpose. He said that there will be traffic restrictions in the surrounding areas of Uppal Stadium in the wake of the match.

“We will start allowing the audience into the stadium from 12 noon and nothing but cell phones will be allowed on the field’, he informed.

Only those who have valid passes and BCCI cards should come to the stadium. Strict action will be taken if they go on the field and obstruct the cricketers. We have made parking arrangements so that there is no traffic problem. We have formed She teams with 40 women police personnel, he clarified.Strict action will be taken if match tickets are sold in the block. We have kept a special vigil on cricket betting and black tickets. “We have already registered three cases on the sale of black tickets,” said DS Chauhan. (INN)

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